Tuesday 19 July 2016

Back to School BLUES?

Millions of children suffer needless reprimands and rejection at school – simply because they do not obtain the right food!

Picture the all-too-familiar scene: Monday morning before school. Everyone gets up in a rush. Where are the socks? And the ironed shirt? Quickly pull a brush through the hair, swallow a few mouthfuls of the latest craze in breakfast cereals and away we go……

“So, what is wrong with that” – you may ask?

Most breakfast cereals consist of little more than refined carbohydrates. They are very quickly converted into glucose and this in turn causes a rapid spike in blood sugar levels.

Now, while all our cells need some glucose for energy, too much glucose in the blood is effectively toxic.

What makes glucose the ideal energy source? The fact that it ‘burns’ easily.

That means, it is chemically extremely reactive
It reacts with almost everything it comes into contact with, causing a massive increase in free radicals (oxidants) in the blood. 
The damage caused by free radicals to the cells lining the blood vessel walls, causes inflammation which leads to atherosclerosis.

This is why the body goes to so much trouble to ensure that the blood glucose levels remain strictly within the optimal limits. 
The Sugar See-Saw (Inter-Med Copyright)
  •  Too much glucose triggers a flood of insulin which quickly removes as much glucose as possible from the blood. This panic reaction by the body may over-shoot the mark and as our blood sugar sinks too low we become jittery, depressed and grumpy – commonly known as ‘dumping’.
  • Now, with too little glucose in the blood, the brain triggers ‘hungry’ signals and off we trot to the fridge or the vending machine (or the school lunch box) for our next sugar ‘high’.

This is the deadly honey-trap of refined carbohydrates which results in diabetes and all the pain, illness and heartache that goes with it.

Get YOUR kids off the sugar See-Saw!

And increase their ability to concentrate, learn and remember. Help them to ENJOY their school experience and make the most of it.

Make sure they enjoy a healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, proteins and whole grains. Save the refined carbohydrates for an occasional, special treat rather than the early morning staple. 

Brain Health will also help to ensure that you and your child obtain all the nutrients your brain needs to function at its best!

Friday 1 July 2016

Unscientific BS-Science

The 'Science' of presenting facts creatively for profit

You may have heard the expression ‘Tobacco-science’ before?

Up to the early 1990’s, tobacco companies were paying scientific research organisations to undertake tests to ‘prove’ that smoking was not harmful. These were reputable organisations such as the South African Standards Authority (SABS), and reputable tests such as determining just how minuscule the amount of tar in each cigarette really was.

Thus real, trustworthy and reliable science conducted by highly respectable scientists.

Until the marketing people got hold of it…..And then smoking became ESSENTIAL for GOOD HEALTH!

Slowly but surely the public has come to realise that there are many instances where similar eye-blinding has taken place. As a result, this kind of BS-Science has come to be known as ‘Tobacco-science’.


The urban dictionary (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=tobacco%20science) defines tobacco-science as “"Science" done on behalf of an interest (organisation) which is defending it's cash cow from overwhelming credible science that shows it is harmful or detrimental to public benefit in some way.”

An example quoted by the urban dictionary is “Science conducted on behalf of the plastic manufacturing industry showing that BPA is a safe chemical for human consumption, when a wealth of credible independent scientific research shows otherwise”


Are there other examples of ‘tobacco-science’ around?

Much of the so-called ‘science’ surrounding the safety and efficacy of various medical interventions gives cause for great concern that it is nothing more than tobacco-science. For example:
  •           Fluoridation of drinking water: fluoride is an extremely toxic substance and the specific chemical used for this purpose is a hazardous waste product of the fertiliser industry.
  •      Dental amalgam: contains mercury and is classified as a hazardous, toxic substance the instant it is removed from your mouth. But putting it in is 100% safe?! REALLY?
  •      Vaccines: many of which contain still contain mercury and/or aluminium compounds. Despite mounting evidence to the contrary, manufacturers still claim NO HARMFUL effects!
  •      Cholesterol levels which for decades have been falsely blamed for risk of heart and vascular disease and been the mainstay for marketing trillions of dollars’ worth of  statins and other cholesterol-lowering drugs   

For more hair-raising information on tobacco-science and it’s implications for human health, this post makes one of many intriguing reads: