Tuesday 26 January 2016


Stinky feet? Could be a shortage of Magnesium.
Short sighted? You may have a deficiency of Selenium.
Suffering from tooth decay or impotence? How much Molybdenum are you getting?

Supplementing essential Vitamins and Minerals is NOT a waste of money. On the contrary, it is just that: ESSENTIAL!

In earlier times, when hunter-gatherers survived by how good they were at finding and exploiting sources of food, the diet - when there was any - was probably varied and nutritionally rich enough to supply all the body's needs, if it could be found in sufficiently large quantities.

So what has changed?
The word 'essential' in nutritional terms, means that the body cannot manufacture the nutrient itself from other sources, but has to obtain it from the diet. Some examples of essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, 9 of the amino acids (building blocks of proteins), and certain fatty acids (e.g. Omega-3, 6 and 9). 

Organic substances – the molecules which make up our bodies, contain mostly Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen. Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are all organic substances which are used as building blocks. In addition to the 4 main elements, these building blocks contain minerals in varying quantities.
The term 'minerals' as it is used in nutrition is not a scientifically correct term. What we mean is a biologically usable form of various chemical ELEMENTS. For example, all biological organisms require seven major 'minerals' (or elements) for life, namely calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.
‘Minerals’ are obtained from the mineral matter – the rocks, sand, silt and clay – and the organic matter (such as compost or manure) which make up the soil in which plants grow.

If it is not in the soil, it is NOT in the plant! 
Plants CANNOT manufacture minerals themselves.

To look green and healthy, plants need sufficient quantities of Nitrogen (nitrates), Phosphorous (phosphates), Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium and Sulphur. As fertilizers are expensive, these are the minerals which are most commonly used to fertilize crops.
Other elements which plants require in minute, or ‘trace’ quantities include Iron, Manganese, Boron, Zinc and Copper. These may be contained in organic fertilizers such as manure and very occasionally also in chemical (inorganic) fertilizers.
By the way – these chemical or inorganic fertilizers are a by-product of the mining and other large, chemical industries. The first South African fertilizers were produced in 1903 using animal bones, closely followed by fertilizers produced from sulphuric acid waste created when making explosives for the mining industry.
Animals and humans need several other trace elements (minerals) to remain healthy. According to current research these include Iodine, Chromium, Cobalt, Molybdenum, Silicon and Selenium amongst several others.

Ultimately, our ONLY natural source is from plants. After all, even meat can only contain those minerals which the animal was fed! 

Even when minerals are present in the soil many factors may cause them to be ‘blocked’ from being used by plants. For example the acidity of the soil, the amount of water in the soil, other minerals present, absence of the correct microbes (bacteria and other organisms) in the soil and so on – can all lead to minerals not being absorbed. In addition, crops today are grown in vast monocultures – planted in the same fields year after year with little or no rest or change in between.

The amounts of minerals actually contained in raw food is therefore often so low as to be negligible.

Add to this equation not only WHAT we eat, but also the processes we typically apply when we prepare our food: soaking, boiling, canning, preserving, etc. By the time we eat it, there are virtually NO minerals left!

Why MUST we supplement? Because minerals are needed to keep our cells, organs and systems working.

SO, before you emulate those critics who ‘pooh-pooh’ the idea of supplementing essential vitamins and minerals, do your research, check your diet and consider your health!

Check our products page for a range of TOP QUALITY, innovative 
multi-vitamin and mineral supplements!

Wednesday 13 January 2016


The MIND Diet has hit the news again, as the #2 most healthy diet selected by a panel of experts. That is quite an achievement for a relatively new diet, and worth looking at in more detail.

So what is the MIND Diet? 'MIND' stands for 'Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay'. It sounds a bit forced but the idea is clear - to try and stop the onset and/or progression of such diseases as Alzheimer's and Dementia through diet. Both the Mediterranean Diet (which is believed to aid in weight loss as well as the control of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc) and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets appeared to have brain health benefits as well.

The design of this diet was the result of a study commissioned by the National Institute on Ageing (USA) to investigate the possible benefits of diet for neurodegenerative conditions. The overall results were positive, leading the researchers to design the MIND Diet (Reference: https://www.rush.edu/news/diet-may-help-prevent-alzheimers).,

The MIND Diet is effectively a combination of the Mediterranean and the DASH diets. It divides foods into 15 food groups, 10 healthy and 5 unhealthy (to be avoided). To quote the researchers: "Dieters must limit eating the designated unhealthy foods ...to have a real shot at avoiding the devastating effects of Alzheimer's"

One of the most positive points to emerge from the research is that every little bit helps. If it is not possible or practical to adhere to the diet strictly at all times, even moderate compliance bears measurable benefits.

The researchers are the first to admit that a lot of further research is required (possibly including several changes to the diet as we learn more) before any real claims can be made about the MIND Diet. Nevertheless, we sincerely hope that the MIND Diet fires up people's hope, grabs their imaginations and obtains a huge following. For, even though we have a lot more to learn, if truth be told, the knowledge that our diet has a direct correlation with our brain function is not new. (See http://www.foodforthebrain.org/nutrition-solutions/dementia-and-alzheimer%E2%80%99s-disease/about-dementiaalzheimer%E2%80%99s-disease.aspx amongst many others). Sadly, for many years this was not acknowledged by main-stream health care providers (and in many instances still is not to this day) causing untold, unnecessary suffering.

Let us start with the 'bad' news.
The 5 unhealthy food groups identified in the MIND diet are:
·         Fried or fast food: Less than one serving a week
·         Cheese: Less than one serving a week
·         Butter and margarine: Less than a tablespoon daily
·         Red meat: Less than four servings a week
·         Pastries and sweets: Less than five servings a week
The healthy food groups are:
·         Green leafy vegetables (Spinach, kale, cabbage, salad leaves, etc): At least six servings a week
·         Other vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, etc): At least one a day
·         Nuts: As a snack 4 - 5 times a week
·         Berries: At least two servings a week
·         Beans: At least three servings a week
·         Whole grains: Three or more servings a day
·         Fish: At least once a week
·         Poultry (like chicken or turkey): At least twice a week
·         Olive oil
·         Wine: One glass a day

In the meantime, allow us to point out a few factors we (in South Africa) should bear in mind:

  • Fish is the main source of Omega-3 (EHA/DPA) which most of the fish available in our supermarkets, does NOT contain. The exceptions include fresh tuna, sardines (NOT those in vegetable oil!), mackerel, salmon or other cold water, oily fish. Watch this space for further discussions on this topic!  
  • The researchers specify blueberries which are super-scarce and expensive to come by in SA, for their brain-protecting properties. Strawberries are also mentioned. Clearly we need to supplement our anthocyanins from other sources.   
  • Nuts (also expensive) contain many valuable fats and minerals which may be damaged or destroyed in our favourite, roasted versions.
  • There are many other dietary factors required for good mental health. Some general tips:
    • Use your common sense. Maintain a good balance and eat healthy to stay healthy.
    • Eat a generous 'rainbow' of fruit in addition to the vegetables and the berries
    • Sauces, condiments, convenience foods and processed foods contain many hidden chemicals and ingredients which are not beneficial and should be avoided.
    • If you can't go organic, choose local, fresh and in season for the highest nutritional value
    • Remember to drink a lot of good quality, fresh water every day
    • Use a high quality vitamin/mineral supplement such as the Inter-Med Absolut or I-Strength products and an Omega-3 (fish oil) supplement daily to ensure that the basics are covered.    
  • Other factors that are critical to maintain good mental health include:
    • Activity (hobbies, friendships, pets, crafts, 'brain training', etc)
    • Exercise
    • Daily doses of sunshine for vitamin D (go for a walk with a friend and get all three in one!)
    • and many more
There are many reasons why it is not always possible or feasible to obtain all the nutrients we require, from our diet.

Staywell Brain Health was specifically designed to assist in providing your brain with 
ALL the nutrients it requires to function at its best.

If you are struggling to fulfil your daily nutrient quota's and are beginning to feel stressed and run down, feel free to contact us on 012 804 7918 for more information on Staywell Brain Health and other products

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Not full of Life and Energy? CoQ10 may be the reason!

CoQ10: Ubiquinone or Ubiquinol?

The discussion of which form of CoQ10  to use, has been widely publicised of late.
Ubiquinol is a whitish substance which is slightly soluble in water. 

Ubiquinone is a bright yellow, fat soluble substance which is the oxidised form of CoQ10. It is the fat soluble nature of the molecule together with the fact that both molecules have a very long structure which affects CoQ10's bioavailability as an oral supplement. 

Many people say that ubiquinone is the 'inactive' form of CoQ10 but this is incorrect. The two most important roles of CoQ10 are:
 1) to help in producing cellular energy. Without energy, the cells DIE. During this process ubiquinol is oxidised to ubiquinone and
 2) its second crucial role is to help quench the free radicals created during the energy production cycle, During this process, ubiquinone is reduced back to ubiquinol.

Every single cell therefore requires both forms of CoQ10 to survive. As CoQ10 has two extra electrons, there is actually a third, in-between form of CoQ10 in which only one electron has been shared (a half-oxidised molecule which can move either way) and all three forms are very active in each cell. Most of the CoQ10 is located inside the mitochondrial membrane and cells (such as heart muscle cells) which work the hardest, have the largest numbers of mitochondria and therefore also CoQ10.

CoQ10 is really quite marvellous! 

CoQ10 is produced in the same production process which produces cholesterol in the liver. With age the amount of CoQ10 produced, decreases. In addition, certain medications interfere with the process and result in a deficiency of CoQ10 and therefore the cells have too little energy to maintain their life processes. These cells can NOT continue to function and DIE!

Medications interfering in the body's production of CoQ10 include:
Birth control pills
Phenothiazines (Schizophrenia)
Tricyclic anti-depressants
as well as a deficiency of Vitamin B6

Symptoms include muscle cramps, weakness, heart failure, mental and physical fatigue, high blood pressure, general aches and pains and many more.

How to improve Bioavailability:
• Due to the fat soluble nature of CoQ10, it is best taken after a meal containing some form of dietary fat.
 • One way of ensuring better absorption is by mixing the CoQ10 (take the powder out of the capsule) with a small amount of a good quality, full fat yoghurt (such as natural Greek or Bulgarian yoghurt) the night before to ensure that it is already 'dissolved' in the fat by the time you eat it.
• Taking Vitamin E at the same time reduces the absorption of CoQ10 as well as blood levels of CoQ10. This may be due to competition. Vitamin E is also important, so to prevent competition, take your Vitamin E at lunch time and CoQ10 at breakfast and/or dinner.
 • Several of the B-Vitamins are crucial to the production and function of CoQ10. If you are not using a B-Complex, it may be worth supplementing Vitamin B6 in particular.

To remember when using:
• For maintenance purposes use as per dosage on the label (in hot summers or during strenuous exercise, use up to 3 caps per day if needed).
 • For therapeutic purposes the dosage on the label may be insufficient. Consult a doctor willing to test the blood levels in order to determine the optimum dosage. If this is not possible, please contact us for a general guidelines where needed. In particular, recent research has shown that for therapeutic purposes, a minimum blood value of CoQ10 is required for a lengthy period (some patients only began to experience real improvement after using significantly higher doses and having the required minimum blood levels for 3 -6 months).
• The use of CoQ10 may have some slight side-effects (e.g. nausea, diarrhoea, less appetite, heartburn) but NO serious side-effects have been found even at doses of up to 1200mg per day. If using more than the indicated dosage, side effects can be minimised by dividing the dosage over more than one meal.
• Do not use if you are pregnant or breast-feeding
• If using anti-coagulation drugs make sure to check blood coagulation more regularly for the first two weeks to ensure that there is no change.

For more information on the Staywell CoQ10 product, please contact us on 012 804 7918